[04] The voice of the city 🌬️

Funded as part of the project funding program for media art of the UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe 2022.
作为 2022 年联合国教科文组织卡尔斯鲁厄媒体艺术城媒体艺术项目资助计划的一部分

Project: Sound installation
Project Cycle: 8 months
Size: 76 m²
The 2021 UN climate report states:
The report highlights that plastics account for 85% of marine litter and warns that the amount of plastic pollution flowing into the ocean will nearly triple by 2040, increasing by 23-37 million tons per year. This means there is approximately 50 kilograms of plastic per metre of coastline globally. And because plastic products are difficult to degrade quickly. A large amount of plastic products flowing into the ocean has become "food" for marine life.
As early as October 21, 2014, the French "Le Figaro" reported that about 15 million marine organisms die yearly due to plastic waste. And now it will threaten the lives of even more creatures.At the same time, 6% of fishing nets, 9% of fishing trips and 29% of "longlines" in the world become residual marine pollutants due t o discarding, loss and other reasons every year, and have a fatal impact on marine life: 2018 In 2019,, about 300 endangered olive ridley turtles (Oliver Ridley Turtle) were killed collectively in the waters of Mexico because they were entangled in fishing nets; in 2019, a pregnant sperm whale burrowed in the bay of Sardinia, Italy, and was found to have 20 kilograms of plastic waste hidden in its stomach. At least 45% of species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species are battling marine plastic pollution.
The work recycles plastic waste and fishing nets from oceans and lakes. Process it into new braided material. After artificial weaving, it is woven into a work of art that visually resembles a bedsheet. Insulated wires through wooden poles erected outdoors. This area is more like a public place .When the wind blows through the woven fabric, it produces a unique sound in response to it.
In the installation The voice of the city, The artist gives the material a new form through artistic expression: as fabric blankets. Through the use of waste material and various sounds, the work reflects on marine pollution, a serious problem that has been aggravated in recent years. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, around 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the oceans around the world every year. If nothing is done about it, by 2050 the weight of plastic waste in the sea could exceed the total weight of fish.
When the wind blows through the fabric, the recycled marine fabric makes a creaking sound as it collides with the sensors attached to it. The voice of the city does not refer to a fixed sound, but to a slogan: it is a call to action, a slogan to protect our oceans. Fabrics recycled from the ocean serve as a reminder that we have a responsibility to reduce marine litter and improve waste management practices. They also recalled that our actions have a direct impact on fragile marine ecology.

2021 年联合国气候报告指出:
报告指出,塑料已经占到海洋垃圾的85%,并警告说,到2040年,流入海洋的塑料污染量将增加近两倍,每年增加2300-3700万吨。 这意味着全球海岸线每米大约有 50 公斤塑料,而且因为塑料制品很难快速降解。经观察其中大量流入海洋的塑料制品成为海洋生物的“食物”。
早在2014年10月21日,法国《费加罗报》就报道称,每年约有1500万个海洋生物因塑料垃圾而死亡。 而现在它将持续不断的威胁更多生物的生命。 同时,全球每年都有6%的渔网、9%的捕鱼行程和29%的“延绳钓”因丢弃、丢失等原因成为残留海洋污染物,并对海洋生物造成致命影响:2018年至2019年,约300只濒临灭绝的橄榄龟(Oliver Ridley Turtle)因被渔网缠住而在墨西哥海域被集体捕杀; 2019年,一头怀孕的抹香鲸在意大利撒丁岛海湾挖洞,人们发现它的胃里藏着20公斤的塑料垃圾。 世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录上至少 45% 的物种正在与海洋塑料污染作斗争。
这项工作回收海洋和湖泊中的塑料废物和渔网。 将其加工成新的编织材料。 经过人工编织后,它被编织成视觉上类似于床单的艺术品。 绝缘电线通过架设在户外的木杆。 这个区域更像是一个公共场所。当风吹过编织物时,它会产生独特的声音作为回应。
在装置《城市之声》中,艺术家通过艺术的表达方式,赋予了材料一种新的形式:作为织物毯子。 作品通过利用废弃材料和各种声音来反思近年来日益严重的海洋污染问题。 根据联合国环境规划署的数据,全球每年约有 800 万吨塑料垃圾进入海洋。 如果不采取任何措施,到 2050 年,海洋中塑料垃圾的重量可能会超过鱼类的总重量。
当风吹过织物时,回收的海洋织物与附在其上的传感器碰撞时会发出吱吱作响的声音。 城市之声不是指固定的声音,而是口号:它是行动的号召,是保护我们海洋的口号。 从海洋回收的面料提醒我们,我们有责任减少海洋垃圾并改善废物管理实践。 他们还回顾说,我们的行为对脆弱的海洋生态有直接影响。